We are a team from IIT Indore who work on the most-happening field of the Internet of Things (IoT).We believe that IoT has a lot of potential to change the way we interact with the technology in our daily lives.
We are moving towards our goal with the oneIoT protocol.
We aim to tackle some of the core challenges being faced by IoT.
We are currently playing with the following hardware and/or software platforms:- Intel Edison
- Raspberry Pi
- mbed
- Contiki OS
- HARTEXmicro
- Dr. Gourinath Banda, Asst. Professor in CSE, IIT Indore
- Rishi Mathur, PhD Scholar, IIT Indore
- Krishna Chaitanya Bommakanti, Final Year B.Tech. in CSE, IIT Indore
- Harsh Mohan, Final Year B.Tech. in CSE, IIT Indore
- SimIoT - A simulator for oneIOT protocol
- Android based IoT using the oneIOT protocol
- One IoT: an IoT protocol and framework for OEMs to make IoT-enabled devices forward compatible (Accepted by Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments)
- SimIoT - A simulator for the oneIOT protocol (Accepted by SITIS 2015)
- A Formal Verification Framework for QoS metrics in IoT paradigm (Accepted by SITIS 2015)
- An IoT Protocol and Framework for OEMs to make IoT-enabled devices forward compatible (Accepted by SITIS 2015)